I Dare You – Dorianne Laux

Its autumn, and we’re getting rid 
of books, getting ready to retire, 
to move some place smaller, more 
manageable. We’re living in reverse, 
age-proofing the new house, nothing 
on the floors to trip over, no hindrances 
to the slowed mechanisms of our bodies, 
a small table for two. Our world is 
shrinking, our closets mostly empty, 
gone the tight skirts and dancing shoes, 
the bells and whistles. Now, when 
someone comes to visit and admires 
our complete works of Shakespeare, 
the hawk feather in the open dictionary, 
the iron angel on a shelf, we say 
take them. This is the most important 
time of all, the age of divestment, 
knowing what we leave behind is 
like the fragrance of blossoming trees 
that grows stronger after 
you’ve passed them, breathing 
them in for a moment before 
breathing them out. An ordinary 
Tuesday when one of you says 
I dare you, and the other one 
just laughs.

photo Rose Cook